To answer my friend, Shelly's question, Yes, we are still alive! Here is the short story: I am too busy to write on a blog! I miss it and haven't read for pleasure in weeks but we are doing well. Here is the long story:
Mo is just getting over a cold. Watched ALL the kids for me last Friday so I could go out to eat with a friend and to a movie. MY HERO!
Kami is good--back into the grind of school and missing Guitar Hero way too much. She now has a new best friend...a cell phone (for home use only.)
Kori is running crazy and loving it. We are now in full swing of 2 basketball leagues and judo with a judo tournament coming up at the end of the month. She keeps her inhaler close by but keeps on running.
Julius is a 2 year old in full strength despite his second birthday coming on Saturday. He is all boy and a whirlwind of wonder he sleeps so well at night.
Ariel is getting soooo chubby! I love it! She now has 2 teeth and continues to be a social butterfly. I can already see it on her report card: "Has difficulty controlling talking." A true girl!
I am in the middle of a new bible study.
Esther: It's tough being a woman. Amen to that! It is great and I am learning so much as I usually do with Beth Moore studies. My New Years resolution to get into bed earlier isn't panning out obviously.
I've got a few pictures coming soon and hope all is well in your world!