Thursday, January 22, 2009

Prayers Appreciated

This might sound strange but when you pray, please lift up Julius and Ariel's biological parents. We have been praying for them since the babies came to us but have felt lead to ask others to pray for them as well.
We don't know the full picture of what to pray for but the Lord does. It seems to me through our written correspondence that the mother genuinely loves her kids but has made some poor choices. We stated that we will be praying for them and she has been encouraged by this and has asked that we continue to do so.
Pray as you feel lead and don't be afraid to pray that the parent's lives are changed and come to know Christ or even come back to Him if that is the case. And that the family can be reunited.
We love them but to God be the glory if a miracle is in His plans and we will be blessed either way.