Thursday, November 12, 2009

Good IS in control!

Ok, long story made short. Or as short as possible. Tried to keep up with Julius and Ariel after we moved. The authorities weren't having it. Then the other foster mom texted me that they went back to mom. I thought about finding mom. I did and extended the branch of friendship in the name of Christ, letting her know we will pray for her and are in her corner. She accepted and we have been emailing and texting each other. General mom stuff, nothing heavy. Today she offered to get together with us while we are down in Texas for Thanksgiving so we can visit Julius and Ariel. It was just too much for me to ask! We accepted and we are going to see that sweet family on Friday after turkey time. Excited, cautious (Kori still cries her self to sleep occasionally over missing them) humbled and in awe at what God has done for us. AND the kindness their mom has shown to us. Thank ya, Jesus!

1 comment:

Shelly Conn said...

That's great! God is amazing!