Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bernina and memory lane

Been trying to sew some clothe napkins for the house and my little Bernina just won't sew the edges because they are too thick. My mom brought her "real" Bernina when she came to visit a couple weeks ago and it has worked like a dream!
It has also brought so many memories to mind of my mama hunched over that machine making our clothes. Not just one but for all three of us. She would buy one pattern and tailor it to fit all of us. So thrifty she was! She made our swimsuits, church dresses (all three matching on occasion), our slips (you can't find little girl slips these days), pjs, Halloween costumes and even some panties! I vaguely remember my dad having a robe made from her hands. AND Jamms shorts in high school.
Even as a little girl all my pants had to be taken up in the waist, thanks to the bubble butt I even had as a kid. She taught me on that machine along with Mama White teaching me on hers.
Now she is a master quilter and has a fancy Bernina with embroidery and computer screens and all that jazz.
Fun thoughts and happy memories!

1 comment:

Shelly Conn said...

Very cool! Wish I could sew!