Sunday, November 16, 2008

Turkey Trot, Trot, Trot. Around the Lot, Lot, Lot!

It is almost Thanksgiving and I am so excited! It is my favorite time of the year. SOOO, I must confess I still call it Thanksgiving break not fall break at school so I am sure I could get fired any day now. My heart is so full and soon my belly will be too.
I still sing this Turkey trot song that I learned from either Stacey or Niki Jackson. My girls know it and beg me to stop often this time of year.
I am thankful for so much but here is a quick rundown off the top of my head: my family, God's grace, good health, a house that never stays tidy, Chinese food, my children's hand prints on my car windows, electric blankets, Sonic happy hour, good books, bird feeders, Kori's face full of freckles and her compassion for others, Kami's creativity and sense of humor, my mom's flannel quilts, the Hallmark channel, comfy shoes, rain, the blessings of a car that runs and and food in the pantry, naps and my husband's auburn hair that he has decided to grow out for me just because I am a sucker for a red head.

Your turn, what are you thankful for?


Stacey said...

I'm thankful for my best friend shelly who is the most faithful friend in the whole wide world! :)

btw - we both learned that song from Nikki!
"...trouble! here comes trouble!"

Mandy said...

Me, too...I love Thanksgiving, because it seems to be the only holiday that has not been over-exploited...yet. I am thankful for my beautiful family -- my sweet, dancing Abby-girl and her love of books; Cooper Mack who never fails to entertain us; freckles; my patient, sexy and loving husband; dog hair (I curse it, but love our animal); sweet potato pie; a cup of coffee brewed by someone other than myself; my Daddy's gumbo and deer chili; long baths; toothpaste smudged in the sink; a noisy house; phone calls from my mom; Thursday lunch with my hubby; bed-time talks and reading; and every-day "trials" and "tribulation" that keep me grounded and thankful for all of the above! God is good.