Saturday, December 13, 2008

Day Two

They say you can tell a lot about a person by how they respond to difficult situations. Well, today was a test for our babies. And they did pretty darn good.
Ariel is not a fan of sleeping, sad to say. Maybe she is used to sleeping with her mom....not happening in McDaniel Land. So, she is gonna have some adjusting to do for a while.
Julius slept like a champ! Thank ya, Jesus!
It was our typical jam pack Saturday with basketball, a party and then a meeting with a friend so there was no schedule. But the kids did great and it took all of us to make it through the day. We left the house at 8:45 and got back around 4.
A couple tears from Julius when he didn't get his way but that is typical for his age and Ariel just wants the world to revolve around her and that is typical of girls.
Tomorrow will be a bit easier and hope to get us all on a better schedule for naps and such.

1 comment:

Shelly Conn said...

You guys are doing great! SUPER-MOM!!!!