Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I am not a good (cyber) friend.

I am such a loser! I have this facebook acct. which I never go to but all these friends keep asking me to confirm them but I don't have time to confirm them much less post anything or accept them into my "moms circle" or "top girlfriends list" or confirm or send a "heart message" or even add my birthday to their calendar!
In the words of my good friend Larry Beam, " I don't need another friend!". I'm too dang busy doing the mom thing and friend thing to add it to the cyber world. I mean, I live by my palm and have to schedule everything, including "taking care of relations" with my husband! Dad-gum! I need a vacation. Calgone take me away!


Mandy said...

LOL! You just made my day, girl! Hey, you need to make time for yo man...but I totally understand.

Stacey said...

facebook is overrated! ditch it and just keep ME! :)

Mimi said...

I am so with you on all of the facebook tags, winks, nods, gifts, favorites, confirms, ginores....blah, blah, blah!! I do go to catch up once every couple of weeks.........just can't get into that Carolyn is....... thing. WHo is ever honest with that??? I did just catch up on your blog for the year!! Keep on keeping on!! Precious kiddos deserve your precious time!!