Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Time Flies! (When You're Unpacking)

It seems like forever since I have had a chance to blog! Here is the short story of it all. The girls started school a couple of weeks ago and both already have a good friend. There are still some growing pains but all in all I think we are settling in quite nicely. We joined the local YMCA which has a pool. That has been fun and I am sure we will really enjoy it when the weather gets bad. Mo started his new job last week and has enjoyed wearing shorts to work. Still waiting on the house to sell but it hasn't been that long on the market. We are clearly the youngest people in the town home subdivision which is fine with us. It is quite and there is a trail with a small lake to walk around.
We begin "church hunting" this weekend. Never really liked doing that. Just like to get right to the "right" church and get to livin!
The most incredible thing to me since we moved here is how amazing the landscape is. I am just in awe every time I walk out the door. I walk Kori to her bus stop in the morning and back in the afternoon and it just makes my mouth drop. I will have to take pictures. I pray I never get tired of looking at the mountains. And to think God just spoke it into existence! I wonder if those native Coloradians get used to it. I know I never will. To be in a place where God's masterpieces just slap you upside the head every time you walk outside! I feel really blessed.
So, the McDaniel Inn is open for reservations anytime you want to come visit!

1 comment:

Shelly Conn said...

Glad you guys are doing great.

I think eating out here is entertainment because we can't go outside without melting. Enjoy the mountains and please take pictures!