Sunday, November 9, 2008

It is a Conspiracy

Ok. Let's get honest. Ever notice how male hobbies take forever! I mean all day if not a weekend. For example: hunting, golf, riding motorcycles, refurbishing a car, fishing, baseball, camping, etc. Where as typical female hobbies are just a few hours and most can be done without leaving the house. Examples: cooking, baking, gardening, scrapbooking, reading, shopping, sewing, etc.
I am calling conspiracy on this. Honestly, how many husbands would agree to you being gone every weekend for months? NONE! It is just wrong. And then they say, "Well, plan something for a weekend for yourself and that will be fine with me." No problem if the next 3 months were already booked male junk!
Seriously, if I come back to earth, I am coming back as a man. I want to get paid more for doing less, watch supper magically appear on the table every night, my clothes will be magically clean and my work day will end at 5:30 when my backend walks through the door and hits the recliner.
Must be nice.


Mandy said...
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Mandy said...

Ok, I was trying to send you a link to this funny song I thought you would enjoy, but it didn't work. I'm just not that smart, so I will email it to you!

By the way, I'm not married to a hunter, but as I am sure you noticed on Sat. night, I am a football widow every fall. We should combine forces...

thebeamer said...

Your living in a man's world, just deal with it!!!!!!

Shelly Conn said...

Dang! Would seminary be in there.

I hear you.