Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Kami!

Kami is 12 today and my baby is growing up fast. It does pass you by in the blink of an eye. It seems like last week she was shorter than me and now we are almost eye to eye. She had a slumber party last night that we are still recovering from at the moment. I have heard that you can judge a person by the company they keep and I think it is true. Kami has some great friends and they are all lucky to have each other. I asked them at midnight to start quieting down while playing charades for fear of waking the babies and although they didn't go to sleep, I never heard another sound. A new ipod, clothes and itunes cards were at the top of her wish list.

The gifts I see in you, Kami, are: leadership, persuasion, humor, loyalty, and creativity. You are a shining star baby girl and we love you so much. It will be amazing to watch the adventures the Lord has planned for you!

We hope you "find God's grace, in every mistake,
And you always give more than you take."

Happy Birthday Kami!


Rachel said...

Happy Birthday to Kami! She is turning into a fine young lady!

Sorry you have to schedule "relations!"

Mandy said...

Aww, happy late birthday, Kami! Us Feb gals should stick together...kindred spirits that we are! Hope she had a great one!

Mimi said...

Happy belated Birthday, Kami!!
Monty and I are in Denver for one of our granddaughter's 9th bday tomorrow.