Saturday, May 30, 2009

Shout out to the Conns!

We have the best friends in the world! Our church family rocks. The Conn's watched the youngest 3 last night for us so we could attend some foster parent training. Now, this is great in and of itself, but they already have 4 kids of their own who are under the age of like 7 years old. They said it went well, but they might just be too nice to tell us otherwise. We love you guys and are blessed by you in so many ways. Can't wait to hear you preach on Sunday, Robert!

And Levi, you are now the coolest friend Julius has. He was very impressed with that motorized jeep that he got to ride in and the Cars pjs you let him borrow. You boys have to stick together. The estrogen in each of your families will out number you forever. The anatomy lesson was priceless!
Clair, you are a stunning artist.
And sweet Ashlin, you were my favorite kindergarten student ever!
And to Carly, you are the only girl that can out do Ariel's hair. You are Rapunzel!

I want you guys over for dinner sometime in June. Have your people call my people.


Shelly Conn said...

I am laughing out loud!! You are to funny!
The night went really great. Those kids are so sweet and Kori was a great help. Ashlin and Claire really enjoyed playing with Kori. Two things did happen that made me think I should not really have any more kids.

(1) I tried baking the cookies without turning the oven on
(2) When I could not fit the gallon of milk in the cabinet I realized I was putting it in the wrong place.

Robert just laughed at my.

Mandy said...
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Mandy said...

Somehow, Shelly Conn, I can definitely see y'all having more. You guys are amazing!

McDaniel family -- call us any time!

Love you guys! Oh, and if you have the time tonight come see Abby in her dance recital. (5 p.m. Saturday, May 30, at Clear Creek Intermediate!

Robert Conn said...

Those kids are incredible! It was fun.