Tuesday, August 25, 2009

10 Things We've Learned About Colorado

1. They have a billion license plate choices...Ok, like 30 but still that's a lot! So,we still find it entertaining to watch for different plates. I am getting the breast cancer support plate (even though it is pink! Yuk!) and Mo wants the red one...doesn't stand for anything, just red.
2. Respect the bike lane. They actually have bikers using them.
3. Respect the crosswalks. They actually have walkers using them.
4. You get a very unsavory look when you don't bring your canvas bags to the grocery store. This actually helps me as I struggled with this for the last year: use plastic bags and reuse them in the trash cans vs use canvas bags but buy trash bags. The problem is I keep forgetting my canvas bags in the car.
5. Most homes don't have a/c units.
6. 85 degrees is a "scorcher" outside.
7. You don't really compete in athletic programs in school until you get to high school. If you want to be competitive before that you have to do club ball. All middle school kids take PE then try out for an inter murals type program after school. Very low key.
8. PE here is a different world. They get to do wall climbing (even in elementary), in line skating, field hockey and cross country skiing.
9. No one goes out to eat. Like the whole culture of eating as a form of entertainment is non existent. Our new friends (who are not natives) are so excited to have someone to eat with for once!
10. Most turn lanes are double turn lanes. So the two left lanes can turn at just about any corner.

and, one more for good measure:
11. Our community has bear/coyote safety warnings in the community newsletter. Haven't seen any but have seen deer on our way to Wal-mart, geese in the backyard, snakes on the front of the town house and rabbits everywhere. So it is recommended that you keep your grill clean and chain it up to the house.


Stacey said...

you need to wear a shirt that says "I'm from Texas, I'm not a hippie, and yes, I use plastic."

Shelly said...

Or a "Im from Texas. I hug people not trees."

Tiffany said...

Hi Shelly! I'm Stacey's friend who just moved from Colorado Springs back to Texas. I'm so sorry that we didn't get to cross paths. Welcome to Colorado though. :) It's weird, but you'll love it! Are you on Facebook? If so, let's be friends so we can make fun of the Colorado way together. It'll be fun. My last name is Lechinger.