Been a while and here are 10 things that I know for sure...I think:
1. I love my friends! Especially those who blog as often or less often than me! Thanks for keeping it real, gals! (You know who you are.)
2. It rains a lot in Georgia.
3. Oh yeah, we moved to Georgia. Did you get the memo?
4. God is not finished with me yet...And thank God for that 'cause I just seem to be in a constant state of "needs improvement"!
5. Boxes multiply when you are sleeping.
6. One must plant 10 trees for every 1 tree destroyed according to Georgia law.
7. Sometimes I get on facebook and think, "I really dont care what anyone is doing right now." And so, I just log off without reading a single status update.
8. The older I get the more I need a bit of time alone each day and a bite of chocolate each night.
9. I would like to go to Paris but I dont want any French people there.
10. Other than HGTV and Food Network, TV is stupid.
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