Saturday, October 18, 2008

Deep Thoughts By Shelly McD

Haven't had much to time to write lately. When school starts everything else that is "extra" just gets dumped. Sorry! BUT, I have made time to read being the nerd that I am. So here is a quick recap of a couple books that were recommended reading from other families doing foster care that I have finished in the last few months since school started:

The Connected Child: Great but gets a bit wordy. My advice to authors is when it can be said in 100 pages instead of 200, do so.

The Lost Boy: This is the sequal to The Boy Called It that came out a few years ago. AWESOME book!

Hope's Boy: This book chronicles Andrew Bridge's journey of 11 years in the Los Angles foster care system including a stay at the notorious Mac Laren hall which the city used to "warehouse" foster kids at the time 15-20 years ago. You may have heard about it on the news back then and possibly even today as adults who survived have formed an advocacy group for children in foster care. Great story about a boy who really beat some amazing odds. There is one sentence that still haunts me:
"Some kids are born for battle".

And God bless their souls for fighting for their lives everyday.

On a lighter note, I also just got Karen Kingsbury's newest one Sunset. And I didn't mind buying it since Mardel had it for 7 bucks!


Mandy said...

Taking a break from Region 11, talk about a lot of reading. I haven't done much reading for pleasure lately, but it's good to see that it can be accomplished, even with a busy schedule such as yours! There's hope for me yet!

Oh, and by the way, I so have a greater respect for all the legal mumbo jumbo involved in teaching public school. The "legal issues" module was a tough one!

Stacey said...

glad you got some good ones read.
i'm reading one called Choices by Mary Ferrar, and so far SO GOOD. will write my own review when i'm done! :)