Monday, December 8, 2008

All the Gates (Decision) Be Damned...

Ok. Here is the latest in the Foster/Adopt saga. We had our quaretly visit by our case manager last Monday. Nothing new really other than come to find out, to make a long story short, the agency had our information wrong in the computer that CPS acccesses to determine where kids go. So, it has been wrong since we got our license back in April.
Then I did some investigating on my own and talking to the "in-take manager" for the agency to see what is taking so dang long and found out that back in August, legislation in Texas passed the Gates Decision. To make short work of it, all CPS workers must get a court order before removing kids from bad situations or face the possiblity of being sued. So, as you can imagine all the courts are backed up waiting for judges to sign off on these orders and in the mean time the parents are skipping town with their kids in tow. Plus all the "hoops" that the parents had to jump through to get their kids back are now having to be jumped with the kids still with the parents so the kids could be in a bad situation for longer than would be originally. Thus were CPS removed 50 kids per month, they are now down to 3. Not that the abuse is now gone, it is just taking so long to get the kids removed. Sad for us! And the kids.
My new medidation is 2 Cor. 4:8-11
We are pressed on everyside but not crushed,
Perplexed but not dispairing,
Persecuted but not forsaken,
Struck down but not destroyed.
We carry around the death and life of Christ.


Shelly Conn said...

Hang in there.

Do you guys need a baby swing?

Shelly said...

actually yeah if you got one. we dont have one of those.

Mandy said...

You are amazing. I am praying for you guys.

Julie said...

Hang in there Shelly. We will be in the same boat with you guys come January. I know you e-mailed Bobby, but I didn't know if you realized that we've actually met before.(at the pampered chef party). Feel free to e-mail me as well. Its good to know that we are not alone in this saga.