Saturday, July 19, 2008


This has been the question of the hour for the last 10 month, I think. All the wonderful friends and family we have been eagerly waiting for us to get our first foster child. If you haven't been able to keep up, here is a quick update of the last year.
I have been wanting to have more kids for the last 5 years but we took surgical steps when Kori was born to stop having any more biological children. Mo has been quite content with his girls. So, I prayed and waited for the Lord to change my heart. He didn't. About 5 years ago, Mo agreed to more kids but when we looked into surgical reversal it did not look promising. I brought up adopting and Mo was not feeling it. Plus, it was really expensive to adopt domestically or internationally so I thought it was a closed case. However, my heart was still longing for what I believed the Lord had placed on it. So, I kept praying and waiting. Years passed and nothing changed. There is a saying, "God is rarely early, but He is never late." There is so much truth in that.
In the meantime, Sandy told me of a co-worker who adopted her children through the Texas CPS system and it costs nearly nothing. I tucked that information away and kept waiting and praying.
Last fall, Mo had a change of heart and we began our classwork and training to get our license to be foster parents with the hope of adopting. As it would happen, we later found out that some friends of ours through church are also doing the same thing with the same agency.
So, at this point, we have our license and are waiting for "the stork to drop one on us".

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