Monday, August 18, 2008

To be a missionary or not be a missionary

Saturday night the girls and I had a movie night when Mo was out of town. We watched The Inn of the Sixth Happiness, an old movie with Ingrid Bergman, a true story, about a missionary (Gladys Aylward) who went to China. It was super long but good.
So, Kori decides she wants to be a missionary too. And last night she mentions it to Mo and I said, "Maybe you could be a missionary like Stacey and feed hungary soldiers since you like to cook and treat them like family since you like to take care of people but you would have to find a husband who wanted to do that too since that is the rules for their type of missionary work."

Here was our discussion tonight:

Kori: Mom, I don't think I want to be a missionary anymore.

Me: OK.

Kori: Cause I am not sure what husband would want to do that and maybe China is too far away. So maybe you could come with me and we could go to not far China or California.

Me: Oh, is California far?

Kori: Yeah, so maybe like Oklahoma...but I bet everyone in Oklahoma knows about Jesus so maybe a place that is a little far like Mexico...but I don't know how to speak Mexico.

Me: That's called Spanish.

Kori: Oh yeah. Do they have soldiers in Spanish? I mean Mexico?

Me: I dont' know. You have lots of time to find out and the good news is God already knows all of it so just pray for Him to show you what He wants you to do and where to go.

Kori: But maybe my husband won't want to go to Mexico and maybe he will want to go to China. But I would have to tell him that there are no bathtubs in China cause I saw those dirty kids on that movie.

Me: That was just an old movie and when you are running for your life you don't worry about bathing.

Kori: I should maybe pray for bathtubs in China just incase.

Me: Good idea. Now you go get in our tub and be thankful you have one.


Robert Conn said...

This made my day!!!

Kami said...

Oh my gosh...............maybe we should sponser a child that needs a bathtub...

Rachel said...

So cute! LOVE IT!

Mandy said...

Y'all make me smile. :)