Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Come Walk With Me...as long as you don't write or highlight!

Just a bit of background. I love reading. I really do love reading. And I love books in general. I am so in love with books that I am really protective of my books. Just ask any of my past kindergarten students. I go over how much I love my books the whole year and how sad it makes me to find destroyed pages. But, I hate paying full price for a book. I don't use the word "hate" much but it is warranted in this case. It kills me. I agonize. I stew. I check the library. I ask friends if they have a copy. I wait for it to go on sale. I even hate using a gift certificate for it. It pains me! I guess because I read so much that a book just doesn't last that long in my hands. (I read about 12 books this summer, see what I mean) I have to really want it badly for months before I plop cash down for a full price book.
Now the story:
I just got something kinda fun in the mail today. I was wanting this book, Come Walk With Me by Carole Mayhall but Mardel didn't have it so began my trek on the Internet to get it. I ordered a used edition from Amazon in July. They sent the wrong book and didn't have another copy of Come Walk With Me. Sad for me. So, I searched again and found another used copy and just got it today. I was so excited. I tore open the package and started thumbing through it. I was a bit anxious to get it 'cause I hate it (OK, maybe I use the word a bit much) when other people have written in books. That is my job. I gotta write in my books! I don't want other people's notes or highlights. It's not that I don't value their thoughts. It just bugs me. You can imagine the pickle I was in during my college days. Buying textbooks about did me in! And then to find writing in it!! It's a wonder I graduated.
Anyway, as I thumbed through it while praying there were no written notes or highlights, I found a couple of notes on separate paper! God bless your soul, Joan Bennett from McHenry, Illinois (the previous owner did have her address label on the title page)! Now I am really pumped because she didn't write in MY book or highlight in MY book plus, she has her notes still left in it so maybe I can learn something from her! Pure bliss! Oh, my goodness! I just thought of something. I should mail them to her (after I read them of course)! Maybe she has been looking for them or maybe just forgot about them and if I mail them to her she will remember something just at the right moment that she needed to be reminded of something that God revealed to her! It is like a Hallmark movie! Gotta run! Got some written correspondence to to do!

1 comment:

Robert Conn said...

Note to self... "Never lend Shelly any of my textbooks."